
Showing posts from January, 2019

Western Caribbean Christmas Cruise: 10 - 14 Dec 2018

Its been a while since the last posting.  Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that a part-time job at Kroger over the holidays will just keep one from getting bored.  Quite the contrary, people SO like to eat during the holidays and we put in a lot more hours than just part-time.  But we did manage to squeeze in a trip, albeit a cruise instead of the normal RV outing since our tenement on wheels is winterized until March. I will do a review and recap of the 4 day cruise in hopes of providing some useful information to those that are new to cruising or those that cruise but always looking for a new trip.  We have cruised several times and will include any future trips on the blog along with the RV outings As a Christmas present to ourselves my immediate family decided a cruise would be a great present for a change.  We found that buying gifts for adult children and each other was not what it once was years past. Sunday, 9 December - With the potential for bad weather c