
Hello, we are Team Mason (Travis and Jennifer) from Frankfort, Ky.  We are a married couple that met later in life after we each experienced a previous marriage.  I am 51 and a bit of an introvert while Jennifer is 43 and an extrovert who keeps us socially grounded and ensures we never meet a stranger. We have one 23 year old who is enjoying the early years of work and life.  From the beginning we have loved the outdoors and dreamt of someday hitting the road to experience what this great country has to offer.  Our love for travel started with some very basic tent camping in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee.  The hiking, biking, and love of the outdoors came so natural for both of us.  This camping mixed with several cruises and vacations to the popular tourist destinations around the states only strengthened our love for travel.  Early on, we committed to planning for a future that would allow us to spend large amounts of time taking the "road less traveled" to see some of the lesser known areas of the country.  This year I will be retiring from the military after 34 years of service and Jennifer also retired after 27 years in the workforce. 

We recently purchased a 2018 Open Range 275RLS 33 foot travel trailer to call our home when away from home for the next few years.  We have always enjoyed hearing the experiences of other travelers over the years and would now like to give some of that back as we start our adventures.  We decided to create a very basic blog that we could chronicle our experiences of both good and bad for others that share our passion.  We will share photos and tips that we learn as we go.  Additionally we plan on providing reviews of the locations we visit to help others decide if it should be included in their travel plans. As an avid movie buff I will include reviews of movies we watch while traveling for those that may share the same interest. 

In our research of travel ideals we struggled to find honest and candid information that gave detailed information of what the traveler could expect.  We have never desired the luxury travel lifestyle or locations were one might be pampered, not to say those trips are not enjoyable but for us we like the adventurous travel experience while we are still physically able.  We are not sedentary by nature nor are we extreme sport adventurers.  We are everyday typical travelers who love the adventure in finding a new experience.  We hope that those that follow us will share in our experiences and our love for the outdoors as we embark on this new chapter in our life


  1. Travis,

    So glad you have finally hit the road and enjoying retirement. We have settled down, for a while, but plan on getting back on the road here soon and head west.

    I hope we can meet up sometime while traveling.



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